Those annoying black parasites that can jump around faster than the eye can comprehend and multiply rapidly - terrifying fleas. Once they find a host, they refuse to budge and invite their friends to feed on your cats blood. They are tough to get rid of, but the good news is that there are several effective methods to get rid of them. Your furry friend will be healthier and happier, and so will you. The popular myth is that indoor cats are safe from such infestation since they remain indoors. However, even indoor cats can easily attract fleas - with even a step outside. Often, flea infestation is subtle so it is important to look out for skin problems or itchiness in your cat. The scientific name for the most common type of cat flea is Ctenocephalides felis, however, even rabbit fleas (Spilopsyllus cuniculi) can infest your cat (and dog). Flea bites cause itchiness and allergies in cats. Certain types of tapeworms can also thrive with the presence of fleas and severe cases of flea infestation could in some rare cases lead to anemia, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and neurological issues. Cats are natural and terrific preeners - so you might believe this would ensure no parasites. However, as mentioned, keep a close watch on your cat - persistent itching and over-preening are telltale signs. Repeated grooming in a particular area, could lead to bald spots on your cats coat - another sure sign of infection/fleas. Flea allergy also causes redness, soreness, and itchy scabs - your cat would need flea treatment immediately.